For some time I have been meaning to give a plug to the InfoBulletin newsletter written by my friend and common Knowledge colleague Paul Craig for Co-operative Systems . It’s one of the best, if not the best, newsletters on small-scale office computing.
The newsletter is available to anyone and is written in a clear non-techhy language. It covers trends, specific programs and equipment and helps you get a handle on new concepts or software or web-services. It’s helped me loads of times.
It’s not all new stuff. Two regular features are Q&A (a guide to desktop techniques in the operating system or software) and Clicks of the Trade which gives useful advice that circuit riders like Paul and myself have learnt, often the hard way, over the years.
So if you’re an office or operations manager – or take an interest in such things you can look at the current issue and then sign up. And while you’re on the site, check out the archived index.. I defy you to look down that list and not open up a least one of the articles!
Historical note: Co-op Systems, the more elderly amongst us will remember, was a real co-operative back in the days when the GLC used to grant-aid voluntary organisations with an IBM PC with 2 5.25″ floppy drives, EPSON FX 45 dot-matrix printer, WordStar 2.3, SuperCalc4 or Lotus 123 & CardBox. Training free from ComputerCraft (another co-op) and the computer maintenance in the first year by Co-op Systems. Microsoft was pretty small beer in those days – today’s Co-op Systems though not a co-operative any more, still specialises in helping the 3rd sector and is a MS Gold partner.